Enabling Collaboration

If by "COLLABORATION," we mean people working together toward a common goal, everyone does it. This said, Oxford’s 2nd order definition talks about “traitourous cooperation with an enemy.” Maybe collaboration is not universally supported OR understood.

The how-to of “COLLABORATION” may be tough to pin down, but I think it is safe to say that, at very least, we would include CONTEXT (does it fit the situation?), MINDSET (do people see that fit?) and BEHAVIOURS (do people know what to do?).


How does collaboration benefit this specific instance?


Does everyone see why we need to collaborate?


Do people know what to do in order to collaborate?


How familiar is it for this group to collaborate?

A bit on me…

実るほど、頭を垂れる稲穂かな (minoru hodo, koube wo tateru inoha ka na

One of the benefits of working in different industries and different geographies has been learning to appreciate different points of view. Having never had formal authority (or power?) in my work relationships, I have grooved skills in understanding and, where possible, influencing “toward the common goal.”

NOTE: The translation (from Japanese) of the quote above is:

A rice plant that produces more hangs its head a bit lower.

Where to start


We have a general desire to be better

Please reach out and happy to discuss. When you reach out, please let me know if your concerns are chiefly about context (the fit), mindset (hearts and minds of collaborators), or behaviours (seeing or not seeing what we want).


we have a specific interaction in mind

There are two broad areas on which to focus:

  • Addressing Ambiguity and Complexity, while making Consequence-bearing decisions
  • Entering the decision at the correct level (Existential through Trivial)



    we want to know how we are doing

    Please look at the description of Meeting Health Checks: